Monday, October 25, 2010

Cinnamon Brioche Scrolls

I've always wondered how you make brioche and then in the Spring edition of Donna Hay as this base recipe and a series of options to turn the dough into cinnamon scrolls, muffins, chocolate swirl or tarts. So here was my first attempt, and it as a lesson to remind me to read the recipe before I start to make it. This recipe requires 2-3 hours of initial rising time followed by 1 further hour. it was safe to say as I made this after work one day that I didn't have enough time for it to rise sufficiently - so to help it along its way i ended up putting the dough in a glass bowl covered with cling wrap and putting it on my belly under my top whilst i watched a  movie.

The Recipe - Donna hay's brioche
1 x 8g sachet dried yeast
1 tbsp luke warm water
55g caster sugar
3/4 tsp sea salt flakes
2 tbsp lukewarm milk
250g double OO flour
2 eggs, lightly beaten
225g butter, chopped and softened
1 egg extra, lightly beaten
for the scrolls
55g caster sugar
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
11/2 tbsp demerara sugar

The Method
  1. place the yeast and water in a bowl and mix to combine. Set aside in a warm place for 5 minutes or until bubble appear on the surface.
  2. Combine the sugar salt and milk in a separate bowl.Place the flour, yeast mixture and egg in a bowl of an electric mixer and using a dough hook beat on slow for 1 minute. Increase speed to high add the milk mixture and beat on high for 10 minutes or until the dough comes away fro the sides of the bowl.
  3. With the motor running gradually add the butter and beat for 6-7 minutes or until glossy and elastic.
  4. Place the dough in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Set aside in a warm pace for 2-3 hours or until the dough has doubled in size. this forms the basic brioche dough.
  5. place the sugar and cinnamon in a bowl and mix well to combine.
  6. Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface into a rectangle 45cm x 25cm. sprinkle with the sugar mixture ad starting from the longest edge, roll to enclose filling.
  7. using a sharp knife, trim the edges and cut into 14 pieces. Places the scrolls side by side in a lightly greased 20cm springform cake tin. Cove with a clean damp cloth and set aside for 1 hour. (i did this part in the oven do didn't get a very good rise)
  8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, brush the dough with the egg and sprinkle with demerera sugar. Bake for 15 minutes, loosely cover with aluminium foil and bake for a further 15-20 minutes or until golden. Turn out and cool on a wire rack.
this recipe turned out well, think I will try the chocolate version next time though and make it on the weekend when I have plenty of time to let it rise properly!!

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