Monday, October 25, 2010

Cucumber Tabouleh with Tomatoes and Feta

I've been a bit lapse at doing my Donna Hay everyday as I've  been pretty busy the last few days. I made this recipe over the weekend and loved it. Fresh and flavoursome with a fragrant bite from the parsley and lemon juice. The mix of the salty feta and sweet cherry tomatoes really lifted this dish. Scrummy!!

The Recipe - Donna Hay Cucumber Tabouleh with Tomatoes and Feta
1 Lebanese cucumber, peeled and chopped
1 cup chopped flat leaf parsley
1/ 2 cup chopped curly parsley
1/4 cup chopped mint
150g crumbled feta
1 tsp finely grated lemon rind
2 tbsp olive oil plus extra
1 clove garlic crushed
2tsp sumac (I didn't have any of this so left this out)
1 tbsp lemon juice
250g truss baby roma tomatoes
sea salt and cracked black pepper

The Method
  1. Place the cucumber, parsley, mint, feta, lemon rind, olive oil, sumac, garlic and lemon juice in a bowl and toss until well combined.
  2. place the tomatoes on a plate with some tabouleh, sprinkle with olive oil and serve.

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