Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Scones Glorious Scones

So with my other half getting up at 5:30 this week its meant I've been waking up pretty early normally around 5am as I never just wake up with alarm, always before, and of course can never get back to sleep. I try my hardest to calm my mind, but all I can think of this morning is scones. Whats the point fighting the beast?

So I drag myself out of bed and make up a batch of scones using my no-fail recipe, after all whats better that fresh scones with cream and jam for brekkie.

The Recipe
450g Self raising flour
80g butter, cubed
1 tbsp caster sugar
250ml Milk
extra sugar for topping the scones

The Method
1. Sift the flour into a bowl and rub in the butter, try and get as much air into the flour by lifting your hands high above the bowl. The mixture should resemble fine breadcrumbs.
2. Add the milk all at once and using a knife make a cutting motion to mix the milk with the flour mixture.
3. When the mixture starts to come together tip it out onto a floured surface and knead 4-5 times. Use a rolling pin to roll out the mixture until it is about 2cm in height. Use a 5cm cutter to cut out the scones.
4. Paint the scones with milk and sprinkle with a little sugar, this will give the scones a sugary crispy topping
5. Place on a greased baking sheet and cook in a pre-heated over at 230 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
6. Remove from the oven and place on a cooling rack.
n.b. if you want a soft scone, cover with a clean tea-towl once they are out of the oven.
I took the scones to work with me - that way I don't too many of them.

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